Courtesy link to BowenTV (now defunct, but the history is interesting)

The main marina at Snug Cove - Bowen Island                       Shelly, Winona, Sue, Sharon and John

                                                                                               at Artisan Square


  Tunstall BNay looking west at Vancouver Island in the dustance

                  Sue and Sheeba at Tunstall Bay                    Tunstall Bay looking West at Vancouver Island in the distance.  This was 

                                                                taken during the Round Bowen Kayak Race -

                                                                   look carefully between the sailboat and tug!!



    Peter, Susan, and Mr. and Mrs. Raj Rao on BI                   Tunstall Bay looking NW at the Sunshine Coast

                                                         (Feb '07)



    The Korean invasion of Bowen - or -                                   Sue and Sheeba at Marina park       

dancers in the BowFest Parade                                                      (Mar '07)              

(August '07 )                                                                                                   



Yes, we do get snow on BI!  - and in the winter             This is on the main road just by the fire station

            of 06-07  quite a  lot of trees went down.                 - note the tree over the road held up by power line.



     And here is early December 2007's snow (Those top beams are 8" high, and it's still snowing as the picture is taken.

Still, 48 hours later it was all gone -

 - and we had highs around +6C and lows around +1C!



- and this is a year later (mid Dec 2008)!  Notice, no snow (yet) , and the deer fence and gate are now up.

(The gate has to rise up three inches as it opens to avoid the slope. The door fence is mostly made from the timber used for the chimney scaffolding.) However later that year we had snow and icy roads more as the upper picture would suggest.


Pergola Grown


- and this is early June 2015!




About the beginning of Dec '07 we noticed a large SUV parked on the verge about 200 yds. from home, with an even larger power boat - perhaps 35 ft. long - and of the luxury sort, on a trailer behind it. We thought little of it even after it had been there ten days or more. We were surprised when outbound from home one morning we saw the word "FREE" emblazoned on the side of the boat in bright red tape in letters about three feet high! Even more astonished when on returning home to see the boat gone, SUV still there. A couple of days later we saw the boat back in its spot, remnants of the tape still adhering to it's side.

The rest of this story we gathered from the local Bowen paper.

Apparently, someone took the word FREE as gospel, and, with some friends,  re-attached the trailer to his own vehicle and took it away, off the island to North Vancouver. What's more the visiting RCMP officer of the day drove by whilst the transfer was occurring and exchanged waves with them. The owner informed the police the boat was stolen, but nothing further happened until the taker dropped into his local police station and asked about ownership transfer . ..